If you participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation or the Rite of Christian Reception you should expect to grow in your understanding of the Catholic faith and to deepen your own personal spiritual life, even if you choose not to become Catholic.
You should also expect:
• to be treated with respect, understanding and confidentiality.
• to have your questions, concerns, doubts and fears respectfully
considered and fully addressed.
• to have any previous religious or spiritual experience carefully respected.
• to never be surprised by any aspect of the RCIA process, and to be fully
informed about expectations and opportunities for participation in the
Catholic faith community.
• to make your own free choice about participation in the RCIA and/or
membership in the Catholic Church.
• to be guided, encouraged and supported in discerning your decision,
and explaining your choice to family and friends.
• to be warmly and sincerely welcomed by members of the Catholic faith