Trending Today is a summary of current events which appears on our Facebook page and is available by email. Trending Today seeks a thoughtful summary of news and perspectives which help Catholic adults form responsible and informed opinions about issues and concerns in the church and the world.
Here is information about the sources used in assembling our Trending Today feeds. (Click on for further information.)
Aid to the Church in Need is an international Catholic aid organization based in Germany. Agenzia Fides is the official news agency of the Holy See sponsored by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. America is a monthly Catholic magazine of news and opinion published by the Jesuits of the United States; it is considered one of the leading journals of Catholic
opinion in the United States. Angelus News is a Catholic news website operated by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; it publishes news from various Catholic news agencies in addition to local
reporting. AsiaNews is the official press service of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME). Association of Catholic Priests is an independent and voluntary association of Catholicclergy in Ireland; the Association’s website provides a forum to reflect, discuss and comment on issues affecting church and society. Catholic Near East Welfare Association is an official international organization of the Catholic Church based in New York City. Catholic News Agency is an independent Catholic news service affiliated with ACI Group; it is owned by the Eternal Word Television Network. Catholic News Service is an official Catholic news service based in Rome. It is owned by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The CNS domestic
service now operates as OSV News. The Catholic Register is the official Catholic newspaper of the Archdiocese of Toronto. The Catholic Spirit is a biweekly Catholic newspaper published by the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis. The Catholic Thing is an independent website edited by Robert Royal and dedicated to “the concrete historical reality of Catholicism.” Catholic World News is an independent Catholic news service affiliated with and owned by Trinity Communications. Catholic World Report is an international Catholic news site published by Ignatius Press. The Christian Century is an independent journal based in Chicago; it is considered the leading journal of mainline the Protestant community in the United States. Christianity Today is an independent international magazine founded by Billy Graham; it is considered the leading journal of Evangelical Christianity in the
United States. Commonweal is an independent Catholic journal of opinion edited by lay people and the oldest Catholic journal of opinion in the United States. It is owned by the
Commonweal Foundation. Crux is an independent online Catholic news site sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and several Catholic dioceses in the United States. Earth Beat is an independent, non-profit source of news about enivronmental isssues based in Kansas City and sponsored by the National Catholic Reporter
Publishing Co. Eureka Street is an online journal of analysis, commentary and reflection on current issues published by the Jesuits of Australia. Exaudi is an independent international Catholic news service owned by private businessmen and based in the United States. First Things is an ecumenical and interreligious journal and website published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life. Global Sisters Report is an independent, non-profit source of news about Catholic sisters and nuns and their ministries based in Kansas City and sponsored by the
National Catholic Reporter Publishing Co. Good Faith Media is an independent website of news and opinion formed in 2020 by the merger of Baptists Today and the Baptist Center for Ethics. Independent Catholic News is an independent Catholic website managed by lay people and based in London. Inside the Vatican is a weekly podcast sponsored by America magazine and America Media. The Jesuit Post is an online media platform that offers a Catholic perspective on the contemporary world by Jesuits in formation; it is published by America Media,
a ministry of the Jesuits in the United States. Katholisch is the website of the Catholic Church in Germany. It provides English translations of selected articles on the website through La Civilita Cattolica is a periodical of Catholic thought published the the Society of Jesus. Articles are approved by the Vatican’s Secretary of State. LaCroix is an independent French Catholic newspaper and website owned by Bayard Presse. Millennial is an independent website and blog for young adult Catholics dedicated to principles of Catholic social teaching. Monday Vatican is the website of Andrea Gagliarducci, Vatican analyst for Catholic News Agency and the National Catholic Register. The National Catholic Register is an independent American Catholic newspaper published by the Eternal Word Television Network. It publishes news from
Catholic News Agency and original reporting and opinion. The National Catholic Reporter is an independent American Catholic newspaper based in Kansas and published by the National Catholic Reporter Publishing Co.
It publishes news from Catholic News Service and original reporting and opinion and maintains a website at New Ways Ministry is an independent ministry of advocacy for LGBTQ Catholics. Official Vatican refers to the official website of the Holy See which provides official texts of documents issued by the Holy See. OSV News is a national and international news service reporting on Catholic issues and issues that affect Catholics. It assumed the domestic service of Catholic
News Service in 2023. It is owned by Our Sunday Visitor. Inc. Our Sunday Visitor is an independent Catholic newspaper based in Indiana and published by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Outreach is a website which offers resources and community for LGBTQ Catholics. It operates under the auspices of America Media, sponsored by the Jesuits of the
United States. Pillar is an independent Catholic news website founded in 2021 by former journalists at Catholic News Agency. Pray Tell is an independent Catholic blog that gives practical wisdom about prayer, sacraments, and church; it is sponsored by the Benedictines of St. John Abbey in
Minnesota. Religion News Service is an independent news organization specializing in religion, spirituality, culture and ethics. It is a subsidiary of Religion News Foundation. Religion Unplugged is an online news magazine focusing on religion in public life based in New York. It is funded by St. Anthony Messenger is a monthly Catholic magazine published by Franciscan Media with the approval of the Archbishop of Cincinnati. Salt and Light Media is a multi-lingual Catholic television channel and media service based in Toronto, Canada. The Tablet is an independent international Catholic journal of news and opinion published by the Tablet Publishing Co. in London. Today’s American Catholic is an independent journal of Catholic inquiry, reflection and opinion owned by a nonprofict organization of the same name. UCA News is a independent Catholic news agency operated by the Union of Catholic Asian News. It is the largest Catholic news agency in Asia. U.S. Catholic is an independent monthly Catholic magazine based in Chicago and published by the Claretian Missionaries. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops provides news releases from Catholic News Service and the U.S. bishops’ Office of Public Affairs. Vatican News is the official news portal of the Vatican published by the Secretariat for Communication. Where Peter Is is an independent blog of Catholic analysis and opinion.