All who have been initiated into the Church as adults through the rites of initiation or reception are welcome to Savor the Mystery, a monthly gathering to deepen your grasp of the Paschal Mystery through reflection and discussion on Scripture, sacramental encounters, and personal and communal experiences of the Catholic faith. Whether you were initiated several years ago or just recently, bring your sponsor and/or godparent(s) with you if possible and come enjoy a light breakfast, coffee, and companionship as we Savor the mysteries of our faith together. You may participate in as many or few sessions as helpful for you. Savor will be held on the third Saturday of each month in Putz Hall at Blessed Sacrament. Breakfast will be available at 8:15 am and we will meet from 8:30 - 9:30 am. Our first gathering will be on Saturday, May 18. Contact Ellen Kuchera at or 513-316-1122 or Dave Cushing at with questions.