The Rite of Christian Reception is an experience of personal formation, spiritual growth and conversion for Christian adults who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. The Rite of Reception is an adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and is designed for adults and young adults who have been baptized, raised and practicing in another Christian tradition. It is a shorter period of discernment and preparation which concentrates on the distinctive characteristics, rituals and teachings of the Catholic Church.
Individuals participating in the Rite of Christian Reception meet weekly, generally for a period of about eight weeks. The Rite of Reception is available several times during the calendar year and usually concludes with the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) followed by a profession of faith, reception of Eucharist and Confirmation during a Sunday Mass in the local parish.
• Click here for the text of the Celebration of Reception and Profession
of Faith.
Participants in the Rite of Reception are assigned a guide, a member of the Catholic faith community who will accompany them on their journey through the reception process.
The Rite of Christian Reception of Adults is designed for adults who have been baptized in another mainline Christian denomination, have been fully catechized in that tradition, and have been practicing regularly in that Christian tradition. The Rite of Christian Reception presumes that candidates have experienced a conversion into the Christian faith, and are comfortable participating in a Christian faith community.
• Click here for the current RCRA Schedule
Catechetical Sessions
The RCRA consists of eight catechetical sessions designed to help candidates understand what is distinctive and special about the Catholic Christian tradition.
The catechetical sessions are designed to address the particular needs, questions and concerns of each participant. There is an opportunity for questions and discussion, often in small groups or one-on-one.
The process will always respect the privacy and personal comfort level of each participant. Issues and concerns which cannot be discussed in the general session can be addressed in private with a sponsor or a member of the parish staff.
At the same time, candidates in the Rite of Christian Reception of Adults should be participating as much as they are comfortable in the spiritual and social life the parish faith community, with the assistance of a Parish Sponsor or Family Companion.
Sponsors and companions play an important role in the process by which an individual joins the Catholic faith community. Sponsors and companions remind us that we are participating in a process of conversion, which involves a personal experience of being welcomed into a faith community of human persons. Sponsors represent the faith community; they insure that no individual walks the journey of conversion on their own.
• Click here for more information about the role of sponsors and companions in the RCRA.
If you have been divorced and remarried, your marital status may affect your freedom to join the Catholic Church.
- Click Here for more information about how divorce and remarriage affects your status in the RCRA.
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More Information About the RCRA
• Current RCRA Schedule
• RCRA Scope and Sequence
• Role of Discernment in the RCRA Process
• Information about the Presenters in the RCRA
• What you should expect if you participate in the RCRA
• Information about the Rite of Christian Initiation
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For information about the Rite of Christian Reception of Adults
contact the Director of Adult Formation.
Director of Adult Faith Formation
320 Mulberry St., Waterloo IA 50703 • Phone: 319-234-9912
Last Update 12.30.17