Liturgical Participation
* What is one concrete way I can more actively participate in the liturgy?
Mass - Singing, Reflecting on the Readings before Mass, journaling or sharing with another 3 things that struck me during the Mass, Choosing one prayer from the Mass to reflect on and pray with during the week, making direct eye contact with each person I offer the sign of peace to, bowing before receiving the Eucharist, becoming a liturgical minister, doing a quick examination of conscience before Mass in the car, pray for my priest, identify prayers that I still struggle with and work on memorizing them, sit in the middle of the pew leaving the ends open for another, greet the people around me before or after Mass etc.
Sacraments - renew my marriage vows, go to Confession more often, attend Mass more often, seek Anointing for serious illness or surgeries, reflect on what it means to be a baptized/confirmed Christian, plan to attend a diaconate or priest ordination, etc.
* Identify one concrete way to grow in discipleship in giving of my time, talent, and treasure.
Time - discern a new ministry or small group to be a part of, add a few minutes of prayer to my daily schedule, sign up for an adoration hour/week, read the bulletin, like parish facebook pages, invite my priest over for dinner
Talent - set up an appointment with a staff member to identify how my gifts can serve the parish, pray and ask God to show me how I can use my talents to further the Kingdom of God, identify all current activities I partake in and assess how they could align or be realigned with the mission of the church
Treasure - start tithing, increase my tithe, identify a charity each month to donate to, if I don't understand why I should tithe or how much, ask. Perhaps even meet with the pastor or a staff member to talk more
Parishioner Checklist:
* Do I know my parish's mission statement?
* Am I registered as an adult in my parish?
* Does my parish have my most up-to-date contact information?
* If I have moved, have I contacted my prior parish to let them know?
* Do I know how to find the most up-to-date information about parish life? Am I connected with my parish on social media?
* Do I know my pastor and parish staff by name? Have I introduced myself to them?
* Do I support the parish with my time, talent, and treasure? Do I know how to do this?