How do I get my child baptized?
The Catholic parishes in Waterloo celebrate the sacrament of Baptism regularly throughout the year.
Like all sacraments, Baptism is a celebration of the whole faith community and should take place in the presence of the parish community. For this reason, baptisms are usually celebrated during Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass. However, it is possible to schedule a baptism after a Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass if a priest or deacon is available.
In order to baptize an infant or child, at least one parent must be a baptized Catholic who is registered in a local parish and is participating in the spiritual and sacramental life of the Church. Parents must choose at least one Baptism Sponsor (or Godparent) who is at least 16 years old, has been baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church, and participates regularly in the spiritual and sacramental life of the Catholic faith community.
The baptism of an infant or child presumes that the Catholic parent(s) are able and willing to be actively involved in the religious formation of their child. The mutual responsibilities of parents and the parish are outlined in a Baptism Covenant.
First-time parents are expected to participate in a preparation program prior to the baptism, and to participate as fully as possible in continuing education and formation opportunities for Catholic adults and parents.
• To register for baptism, contact the parish office in the parish where you participate or plan to participate or register online here.
Related FAQs
• Why Catholics baptize infants and children
Related Links:
• More Information About Baptizing Infants and Children.
• Baptism Covenant
• Registration for Baptism Class Preparation Class
Last Update: 01.11.18