These are live links. Click on the question you are interested in.
Abortion -- What is the status of a Catholic who has an abortion?
Annulments -- How do I petition for a Decree of Invalidity (an Annulment)?
Annointing -- How do I have a family member anointed?
Baptism -- How do I get my child baptized?
Baptism -- Why do Catholics baptize infants and children?
Becoming Catholic -- How do I join the Catholic Church?
Becoming Catholic -- Can a previous marriage affect my ability to become Catholic?
Bible -- What do Catholics believe about the Bible?
Bible -- What is a good way to read the Bible?
Bible -- What is the best bible for Catholics?
Birth Control -- What is my status in the Catholic Church if I use birth control?
Children's Baptism -- How do I get my child baptized?
Children's Faith -- What should parents know about children's faith?
Children's Protection -- How can I protect my children from sexual abuse?
Children's Religious Education -- how do I enroll my child in a Catholic school or religious
education program?
Church Participation -- What does the church expect of me?
Church Teaching -- What if I don't agree with some church teachings?
Co-Dependence -- Is it possible to develop an unhealthy relationship to the church?
Complaints -- What do I do if I am unhappy about how I am treated in the Catholic Church?
Confession -- How do I learn to appreciate the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Confession-- How to Go to Confession
Confession -- What is the best way to prepare for Confession?
Conscience -- How do I examine my conscience?
Conscience -- How do I form a moral conscience?
Conscience -- What if I don't agree with some church teachings?
Devotions -- What are Catholic "devotions"?
Divorce -- What is my status in the church if I am divorced?
Eucharist -- What do Catholics mean by "Real Presence"?
Faith -- How do I continue growing in my faith?
Faith -- What should I do if I feel like I am losing my faith?
Funerals -- How do I arrange a funeral in the Catholic Church?
Holy Days -- What are Holy Days of Obligation?
Holy Days -- Guide to Holy Days in the United States
Inactive Catholics -- How do I resume participating if I have not been active in the church?
Indulgences -- What is an indulgence?
Jesus -- Can Catholics have a personal relationship with Jesus?
Last Rites -- How do I have a family member anointed or receive the last rites?
LGBTQ -- What is my status in the church if I am gay or lesbian?
Marriage -- How do I get married in the Catholic Church?
Marriage -- Why do Catholics take marriage so seriously?
Marriage -- How do I petition for a decree of Invalidity (an Annulment)?
Marriage -- How does a previous marriage affect my ability to become Catholic?
Marriage -- What is my status if I am a Catholic who was not married in the church?
Marriage -- Why should we get married in the church?
Mass -- How do I learn to appreciate the Mass?
Mass Attendance -- When am I excused from attending Mass?
Other Churches -- What is my status in the Catholic Church if I attend other churches?
Parish -- How do I choose a parish?
Parish -- How do I get more involved in my parish?
Parish -- Why aren't Catholics more friendly in church?
Prayer -- How do I improve my prayer life?
Prayer -- I don't know if I am praying the right way
Religious Education -- how do I enroll my child in a Catholic school or religious education
Sexual Abuse -- How can I protect my children from sexual abuse?
Sexual Abuse -- How do I get help if I have been sexually abused by a church employee?
Sick/Homebound -- What should I do if I am sick or homebound?
Social Services-- Where can I get help with basic social needs like food and rent?
Spiritual Direction -- What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual Not Religious -- What if I consider myself spiritual but not religious?
Suffering and Death -- How can I understand why God allows people to suffer?
Unemployment -- What should I do first if I lose my job?
Related Links:
> How Can We Help You?
> What Catholics Believe
> RCIA Forum Archives
> Information for Adults and Young Adults on
[Last Update: 01.19.23]