The Catholic Parishes in Waterloo are committed to collaborative ministry which enables us to share our gifts, talents, resources and opportunities for the benefit of the common good and the entire Catholic community.
The Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation Commission is a committee of the Pastoral Councils of the member parishes and operates according to a Constitution approved by the Councils. The Commission is an advisory body to the pastors of the four parishes of Waterloo.
The Commission is the voice of the parish communities in catechetical planning, goal setting, and policy development in accord with the guidelines and policies established by the Archdiocesan Faith Formation Commission and the Office of Faith Formation and Education of the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
Membership on the Commission consists of two representatives from each parish (one representative elected from the parish and one representative appointed by the Pastoral Council); one representative of the four parish pastors; and members of the Faith Formation Administrative Team who are not voting members.
Commission Meeting Schedule for 2021-2022:
(Meetings are held at 6:30pm in Faith Formation Office.
September 14, 2021
October 12, 2021
November 9, 2021
February 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
June 14, 2022
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Appointed 2020, (1st Term) by Parish Council:
Judy Bullis, 319-240-7782, jbullis@cvcatholic
Appointed 2021 (1st Term) at large:
Caleb Wallace,
Queen of Peace Parish
Appopinted 2017 (2nd Term) by Parish Council:
Glenda Schmitz. 319-232-6717.
Sacred Heart Parish
Appointed 2016 (2nd Term) at Large:
Dale Patnode: 319-236-3830.
Appointed 2020, (1st Term) by Parish Council:
Vicki Cutsforth, 319-296-5678,
St. Edward Parish
Appointed 2016 (2nd Term) by Parish Council:
Brenton Kuchera. 319-296-5933.
Appointed 2018 (2nd Term) at Large:
Jacob Rosswurm, 812-350-4237,
Pastors' Representative
Chosen by the Pastors:
Rev. Anthony Kruse. 319-233-6179.
Chair: Dale Patnode
Vice-Chair: Brenton Kucheral
Executive Officer: Dave Cushing
Click Here to download and view our goal and strategies (Catechetical Plan)
Click here to download our Statement of Vision and Beliefs