The Freshman Survival Guide from BustedHalo. Nora Bradbury-Haehl and Bill McGarvey. Center Street,
2011. [Amazon Link]
Catholic and College-Bound. By George Szews. ACTA Publications, 2008. [Amazon Link]
Challenging and Supporting the First Year Student. By M. Lee Upcraft Jossey-Bass, 2004.
[Amazon Link]
Disorientation--How to Go to College Without Losing Your Mind. By Donna Steichen Ascension
Press, 2010. [Amazon Link]
God Anytime Anyplace—The Many Ways College Students Pray. Pegge Bernecker. Ave Maria Press,
2005. [Amazon Link ]
How Far Can We Go?--A Catholic Guide to Sex and Dating. Brett Salkeld and Leah Perrault. Paulist Press,
2011. [Amazon Link]
How to Stay Catholic in College. By Christopher Kaczor. Catholic Answers, 2007. [Amazon Link]
Keeping the Faith—Prayers for College Students. Kerry Weber. Twenty-Third Publications, 2009.
[Amazon Link]
Moving Forward—Staying Catholic in College. By Mark Hart and Natalie Aleman. LifeTeen, 2012.
[Amazon Link]
Official Handbook for Young Catholics at the University of Mary. Catholic Campus Ministry.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. [Amazon Link]
Own Your Faith--The Adventure of Following Christ in College. Mark A. Tabb. Think, 2007.
[Amazon Link]
Preparing Your Faith for College. By Eden and Katherine Foord. Liguori Publications, 2012.
[Amazon Link]
Ready for College--Everything You Need to Know (Revised). By Michael Pennock. Sorin Books, 2005.
[Amazon Link]
Your Catholic Faith--Own It! By Matt and Colleen Swaim. Liguori Publications, 2013. [Amazon Link]
The Bad Catholic's Guide to the Catechism--A Faithful, Fun-Loving Look at Catholic Dogma. By John
Zmirak. Crossroad Publishing Co., 2012. [Amazon Link]
Becoming Catholic Again--Connecting the Faith We Were Taught With the Faith We Live. Loyola
Press, 2012. [Amazon Link]
Being Catholic--How We Believe, Practice and Think. Daniel E. Pilarczyk. St. Anthony Messenger Press,
2006. [Amazon Link]
Catholic and Cornered--Answers to Common Questions About Your Faith. By Kenneth Parker and
Francis Beckwith. Liguori Publications, 2011. [Amazon Link]
Catholic Questions, Wise Answers. Ed. by Michael J. Daley. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2001.
[Amazon Link]
Catholic Study Bible. Edited by Donald Senior and John J. Collins. Oxford University Press, 2011.
[Amazon Link]
Christian Courtship In An Oversexed World--A Guide for Catholics. By Thomas G. Morrow. Our Sunday
Visitor, 2003. [Amazon Link]
Day by Day--The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students. By Thomas McNally. Ave Maria Press, 1975.
[Amazon Link]
Fearing the Stigmatia--Humorously Holy Stories of a Young Catholic's Search for a Culturally
Relevant Faith. By Matt Weber. Loyola Press, 2012. [Amazon Link]
God--The Oldest Question: A Fresh Look at Belief and Unbelief and Why the Choice Matters. William
J. O'Malley. Loyola Press, 2000. [Amazon Link]
Good News About Sex and Marriage--Answers to Your Honest Questions About Catholic Teaching. By
Christopher West and Charles Chaput. Servant Books, 2004. [Amazon Link]
Here. Now. A Catholic Guide to the Good Life. Amy Wellborn. Our Sunday Visitor, 2005. [Amazon Link]
How-to Book of Catholic Devotions. Mike Aquilina Our Sunday Visitor, 2000. [Amazon Link]
How to Be an Adult in Faith and Spirituality. By David Richo. Paulist Press, 2011. [Amazon Link]
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything--A Spirituality for Real Life. By James Martin SJ. HarperOne,
2012. [Amazon Link]
Reasons to Believe--How to Understand, Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith. By Scott Hahn.
Doubleday Religion, 2007. [Amazon Link]
Why Believe?--Foundations of Catholic Theology. By Eileen Flynn. Sheed & Ward, 2000. [Amazon Link]
Why Do Catholics Do That?--A Guide to the Teachings and Practices of the Catholic Church. By Kevin
Orlin Johnson. Ballantine, 1995. [Amazon Link]
YouCat--Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. Edited by Cardinal Christopher Schonborn. Ignatius
Press, 2011. [Amazon link]
YouCat Study Guide. By Mark Brumley Ignatius Press, 2013. [Amazon link]
YouCat Youth Prayer Book. By Cardinal Christopher Schonborn. Ignatius Press, 2013. [Amazon link]
Your Grown-Up Faith--Blending the Three Elements of Belief. By Kenneth L. Parker. Liguori
Publications, 2012. [Amazon Link]
Last Update: 06.16.24