Friday, November 1, is the Feast of All Saints, which is a holy day of obligation for Catholics. Saturday, November 2, is the Feast of All Souls. It is not a holy day of obligation.
Here is the schedule of Masses and Memorial Services in local parishes.
Click here for listings by day and time
Blessed Sacrament Parish, Waterloo
650 Stephan Avenue, Waterloo
Vigil of All Saints, Nov. 1: 4:30pm.
Feast of All Saints, Nov. 1: 8:00am. 5:30pm.
Feast of All Souls, Nov. 2: 8:00am.
Memorial for parish members who have died this year: Weekend Masses Nov. 4-5.
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Vigil of All Saints. Thursday, Oct. 31
4:30pm -- Blessed Sacrament Church, Waterloo
5:30pm -- Queen of Peace Church, Waterloo (English)
5:30pm -- St. Edward Church, Waterloo
6:00pm -- St. Joseph Church, Raymond
Feast of All Saints. Friday, November 1.
7:00am -- St. Edward Church, Waterloo
7:00am -- St. Stephen the Witness Student Center, Cedar Falls
7:45am -- Immaculate Conception Church, Gilbertville
8:00am -- Blessed Sacrament Church, Waterloo
8:00am -- Sacred Heart Church, Waterloo
8:30am -- St. Patrick Church, Cedar Falls
9:00am -- St. Edward Church, Waterloo
12:05pm -- Queen of Peace Church, Waterloo (English)
12:05pm -- St. Patrick Church, Cedar Falls
12:05pm -- St. Stephen the Witness Student Center, Cedar Falls
5:30pm -- Blessed Sacrament Church, Waterloo
6:00pm -- Immaculate Conception Church, Gilbertville
7:00pm -- Queen of Peace Church, Waterloo (Spanish)
Feast of All Souls. Saturday, November 2
7:30am -- St. Edward Church, Waterloo
8:00am -- Blessed Sacrament Church, Waterloo
4:00pm -- Queen of Peace Church, Waterloo (English)
4:00pm -- Sacred Heart Church, Waterloo
5:15pm -- St. Patrick Church, Cedar Falls
7:00pm -- Queen of Peace Church, Waterloo (Spanish)
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Related Links:
> What are Holy Days of Obligation?
> Holy Days of Obligation in the United States
> Prayer for Someone Who Has Died
> Prayer While Visiting a Cemetery
Learn More:
> All Saints and All Souls--A Time of Mercy and Forgiveness
> Indulgences--A Mantle of Mercy and Forgiveness
> Revisiting Indulgences
Last Update: 10.28.24